Hello... It's me {again}

Well well well... Fancy seeing you here!

I know it has been a long time since I have done a blog post of any kind, but thanks to some very encouraging co-workers, clients (you know who you are... AMY)  and loved ones I am going to try to get back on the bandwagon. This has become one of my New Year's resolution. I am starting with a a clean slate...  A new blog name, an updated website, and no old blog posts.

I am wanting to start anew because it's almost a new year and I think we all deserve to start over sometimes. Ha. I also think that I can do better posts for y'all... Actually I know I can. I want there to be a lot more original content for my few readers out there. And I want it to be an easy read. I know you guys aren't here to read a novel everyday.

I am hoping that this blog turns into a place where you can come for any beauty advice rather than just hair tips. Don't get me wrong... There will be hair tips. LOTS of hair. C'mon that's what I do! But I also want there to be skin care, makeup, brows, and who knows, maybe even some random things along the way that don't even have anything to do with beauty.

So first things first, for those of you who don't know me...

Hi! I'm Megan! 

I have been doing hair for 6 years. Seems like a lot longer some days.

I am obsessed with my super cute and precious dog, Ryder Jack.

I have an amazing Family! (my mom hates having her picture taken so she isn't in this!)

And the best work family. 

And I have an even better boyfriend, Austin.

I am also a total goofball who loves to do stupid things to make people laugh.

I hope you will drop back by for my next blog post!


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